ROBLOX Import Documentation
A system for documentation, Tutorials, and other posts is not currently set up. This is a temporary post until that area of the site is operational.
Export and Import Standards
Roblox is a bit particular when it comes to imports and exports, as a result, below is a guide that documents how the current assets made for Roblox are meant to be imported to function properly.
By standard, all Roblox-specific models will come in an OBJ format, FBX is far too buggy when it comes to Roblox to use regularly.
For Foliage
Foliage textures (that is leaves) come with an RGBA PNG file that already has the background cut out. As a result, you do not need an additional mask image to get masked textures working.
Import Foliage tree by tree, so import leaves and the bark simultaneously. Make sure to have them organized, as leaves are not going to be interchangeable with other barks of other trees.

Add a “SurfaceApperance” node below the leaves component of the tree.